show rollback status

Displays information about the status of configuration rollback execution.


show rollback status { current | history }


Specifies current rollback status.
Specifies the status of the last five rollbacks.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

The current option displays information about the rollback when it is in process, such as the rollback operation, checkpoint name, rollback status, and timestamp when rollback was issued. Status is displayed as "In Progress" with all other fields updated except End Time.

The history option displays information about rollback execution status, such as who issued the rollback, the checkpoint name, rollback status, timestamp when rollback was issued, and time taken for rollback to complete.


This example displays current status.

device# show rollback status current 
Operation                 :  Rollback To Checkpoint
Checkpoint Name           :  vlan-config
Rollback done By          :  admin
Rollback Mode             :  best-effort
Start Time                :  Thu Apr  5 09:32:24 2018
Status                    :  In-Progress

This example displays rollback history.

device# show rollback status history
Operation                :  Rollback To Checkpoint
Checkpoint Name          :  vlan-config
Rollback done By         :  admin
Rollback Mode            :  best-effort
Start Time               :  Thu Apr  5 09:32:24 2018
End Time                 :  Thu Apr  5 09:32:57 2018
Time Taken For Rollback  :  33 seconds
Status                   :  Success
Operation                :  Rollback To Checkpoint
Checkpoint Name          :  bgp-config
Rollback done By         :  admin
Rollback Mode            :  best-effort
Start Time               :  Thu Apr  5 07:32:24 2018
End Time                 :  Thu Apr  5 07:32:57 2018
Time Taken For Rollback  :  38 seconds
Status                   :  Success