show ntp status

Displays the Network Time Protocol (NTP) status.


show ntp status


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the active NTP server. If an NTP server is not configured, the command output displays the server as "LOCL". Otherwise, the command displays the NTP server IP address.


To show the local device NTP status when NTP server is configured:

device# show ntp status 
 Clock is synchronized, stratum 3, reference clock is
 precision is 2**-22
 reference time is e0bdcea2.94df0a0d (10:59:46.2497645069 GMT Wed Jun 26 2019)
 clock offset is 0.0854 msec, root delay is 69.0540 msec
 root dispersion is 34.5350 msec, peer dispersion is 31.9061 msec
 system poll interval is 64, last clock update was 300 sec ago

 NTP server mode is enabled, NTP client mode is enabled
 NTP master mode is disabled