show statistics vlan

Displays the statistics for all ports and port channels on configured VLANs.


show statistics vlan vlan id


vlan ID
The specific VLAN ID.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Enter the show statistics vlan vlan- id command to view the statistics for all ports and port channels on a specific VLAN.


The show statistics vlan command displays the following information:

Field Description
Interface The interface whose counter statistics are displayed.
RxPkts The number of packets received at the specified port.
RxBytes The number of bytes received at the specified port.
TxPkts The number of packets transmitted from the specified port.
TxBytes The number of bytes transmitted from the specified port.


The following example displays statistics for all ports and port channels on configured VLANs.

device# show statistics vlan

Vlan 10 Statistics
Interface 	RxPkts           RxBytes          TxPkts           TxBytes          
eth 1/1   	821729           821729           95940360         95940360
eth 1/2   	884484           885855           95969584         95484555
po  1        8884             8855               9684             9955

Vlan 20 Statistics
Interface 	RxPkts           RxBytes          TxPkts           TxBytes          
eth 1/6   	821729           821729           95940360         95940360
eth 1/21     8884             8855               9684             9955
po  2      884484           885855           95969584         95484555

The following example displays statistics for all ports and port channels in the VLAN 10.

device# show statistics vlan 10

Vlan 10 Statistics
Interface 	RxPkts           RxBytes          TxPkts           TxBytes          
eth 1/1   	821729           821729           95940360         95940360
eth 1/2   	884484           885855           95969584         95484555
po  1        8884             8855               9684             9955