show port-security

Displays the configuration information related to port security.


show port-security [ addresses | interface ethernet slot/port ]


Privileged EXEC mode

Interface configuration mode


The show port-security command displays the following information:

Output field


Secure Port

The port on which port MAC security is enabled.

MaxSecureAddress (count)

The maximum limit for the number of secure MAC addresses allowed on the interface.

StaticSec (count)

The number of MAC addresses that are manually configured.


The status that shows whether the port security violation has occurred.


The configured response action that will be taken when a port security violation occurs.


The status that shows whether sticky MAC learning is enabled.

Port Security

The status that shows whether port MAC security is enabled.

Port Status

The status of the port.

Violation Mode

The configured response action that will be taken when a port security violation occurs.


The status that shows whether the port security violation has occurred.

Sticky Enabled

The status that shows whether sticky MAC learning is enabled.

Maximum MAC addresses

The maximum limit for the number of secure MAC addresses allowed on the interface.

Total MAC addresses

The total number of secure MAC addresses learned on the interface.

Configured MAC addresses

The total number of secure MAC addresses configured on the interface manually.

Last violation time

The time when the last port security violation occurred.

Shutdown time (in Minutes)

The configured auto recovery time for port security violation.


The VLAN to which the port is mapped.


The secured MAC address.


The types of secure MAC addresses that are used in port MAC security.


The port on which port MAC security is enabled.


To display the port MAC security configuration details across ports on the device, enter the following command:

device(conf-if-eth-3/2)# do show port-security
Secure    MaxSecureAddr  CurrentAddr  StaticSec  Violated  Action   Sticky
Port         (count)       (count)     (count)
Eth 3/2       10           0            1           No     Shutdown  No

To display the statistics of the port MAC security configured for an interface, enter the following command:

device(conf-if-eth-3/2)# do show port-security interface ethernet 3/2
Port Security               : Enabled
Port Status                 : Up
Violation Mode              : Shutdown
Violated                    : No
Sticky Enabled              : No
Maximum MAC addresses       : 10
Total MAC addresses         : 0
Configured MAC addresses    : 1
Last violation time         :
Shutdown time (in Minutes)  : 0

To list the secure MAC addresses configured on the device, enter the following command.

device(conf-if-eth-3/2)# do show port-security addresses
                    Secure Mac Address Table
Vlan       Mac-address            Type                     Ports
250        3200.1110.0002         Secure-Static            Eth 3/2