show mpls rsvp interface

Displays the RSVP refresh reduction settings for an interface.


show mpls rsvp interface [ detail | ethernet slot/port | port-channel number | ve vlan_id ]


Displays the RSVP interface information in detail.
ethernet slot/port
Specifies the selected Ethernet interface.
port-channel number
Specifies a port-channel interface.
ve vlan_id
Specifies the selected VE interface.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

To clear the RSVP statistics counters, use the clear mpls rsvp statistics command.

MPLS is supported only on devices based on the DNX chipset family. For a list of such devices, see "Supported Hardware".

This command operates in all modes.


The show mpls rsvp interface detail command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Status Whether the interface is UP or DOWN.
MD5 Whether RSVP message authentication is enabled on the interface.
RelMsg Whether RSVP reliable messaging is enabled on the interface.
Bundle Whether RSVP bundle messages are enabled on the interface.
SRefresh Whether RSVP summary refresh is enabled on the interface.
MPLS TE flooding thresholds in use
Hello-interval The interval between successive hello packets in milliseconds.

The number of hello intervals before the node treats the neighbor as if communication has been lost.

Path The number of Path messages received with a packet processing error.
Resv The number of RESV messages received with a packet processing error.
PathErr The number of PathErr messages received with a packet processing error.
ResvErr The number of ResvErr messages received with a packet processing error.
PathTear The number of PathTear messages received with a packet processing error.
ResvTear The number of reservation confirmation messages received with a packet processing error.
ResvConf The number of reservation confirmation messages received with a packet processing error.
Bundle The number of bundled RSVP messages sent and received on the interface with a packet processing error.
Ack The number of Ack messages sent and received on the interface with a packet processing error.
SumRefresh The number of summary refresh messages sent and received on the interface with a packet processing error.
Hello The number of RSVP Hello's with a packet processing error
Rev MD5 Auth Errors The number of MD5 authentication errors on received packets on the interface.
Pkt with MsgId drop Number of packets with dropped message IDs.
Pkt with SRef drop Number of packets with dropped.
NACK Object Number of objects without acknowledgment.
Active Facility Backups Number of Active facility backup tunnels.
Inactive Facility Backups Number of inactive facility backup tunnels.
Duplicate preempts dropped Number of dropped preempts.


The following example shows a abbreviated output of the command with the detail option.

device# show mpls rsvp interface
G = Interface is using global config for Refresh Reduction, Reliable Messaging
L = Interface is using local config for Refresh Reduction, Reliable Messaging
D = Refresh Reduction, Reliable Messaging is exclusively disabled on Interface

                                                       Num of OutSeg      Num of
Interface      State   MD5  RelMes   Bundle  SRefresh  Act/Inact/Resev    Preempts/softPrpt
Ve20           Down    OFF  ON<G>    OFF     ON<G>     0/0/0              0/0

 MPLS TE flooding thresholds in use
  Default    UP   thresholds: 15 30 45 60 75 80 85 90 95 96 97 98 99 100
  Default    DOWN thresholds: 99 98 97 96 95 90 85 80 75 60 45 30 15

 Hello-interval: 0 sec, Hello-tolerance: 0 <Hello Inactive, Global configuration>

                     Total                Since Last Clear
 PacketType     Sent      Received       Sent      Received
  Path          29373     32824          29373     32824
  Resv          33047     30209          33047     30209
  PathErr       12        0              12        0
  ResvErr       89        10             89        10
  PathTear      111       45             111       45
  ResvTear      0         0              0         0
  ResvConf      0         0              0         0
  Bundle        0         0              0         0
  Ack           0         0              0         0
  SumRefresh    0         0              0         0
  Hello         0         0              0         0

 Errors                    Total             Since Last Clear
    Rev MD5 Auth Errors    0                 0
    Pkt with MsgId drop    0                 0
    Pkt with SRef drop     0                 0
    NACK Object            0                 0

  Active Facility Backups:   0
  Inactive Facility Backups: 0
  Duplicate preempts dropped: 0