match (route maps)

Defines a variety of match conditions for a route map.


match as-path name
match community name exact-match ]
match extcommunity number
match interface { ethernet slot / port | loopback num| ve-interface vlan_id }
match ip address { acl name [ prefix-list string ] | prefix-list string [ acl name }
match ip next-hop prefix-list string
match ip route-source prefix-list string
match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list string
match ipv6 route-source prefix-list string
match metric num
match protocol bgp { external | internal | static-network }
match protocol static
match route-type { internal | type-1 | type-2 }
match tag num
match vrf name
no match as-path
no match community
no match extcommunity
no match interface
no match ip address
no match ip next-hop
no match ip route-source
no match ipv6 address
no match ipv6 next-hop
no match ipv6 route-source
no match metric
no match protocol
no match route-type
no match tag

Command Default

This option is disabled.


Matches an AS-path access list name in a route-map instance.
Name of an AS-path access list. Range is from 1 through 32 ASCII characters.
Matches a BGP community access list name in a route-map instance.
Name of a BGP community access list. Values range from 1 through 32 ASCII characters.
Matches a route only if the route community attributes field contains the same community numbers specified in the match statement.
extcommunity number
Matches a BGP extended community list in a route-map instance and specifies an extended community list number. Valid values range from 1 through 99.
Matches interface conditions in a route-map instance.
Specifies an ethernet interface.
Specifies a valid slot number. If the device does not have linecards, specify 0.
Specifies a valid port number.
loopback num
Specifies a loopback interface.
ve-interface vlan_id
Specifies a virtual Ethernet VLAN interface.
ip address
Matches an IP address in a route-map instance.
acl name
Name of the access list. Range is from 1 through 32 ASCII characters.
prefix-list string
Specifies an IP prefix list. Range is from 1 through 32 ASCII characters.
ip next-hop
Matches IP next-hop match conditions in a route-map instance.
ip route-source
Matches an IP route source in a route-map instance.
ipv6 address
Matches an IPv6 address in a route-map instance.
ipv6 next-hop
Matches IPv6 next-hop match conditions in a route-map instance.
ipv6 route-source
Matches an IPv6 route source in a route-map instance.
metric num
Matches a route metric in a route-map instance. Values range from 0 through 4294967295.
protocol bgp external
Matches on BGP routes.
protocol bgp internal
Matches on iBGP routes.
protocol bgp static-network
Matches on BGP4 static network routes. This is applicable only for BGP outbound policy.
protocol static
Matches on static routes.
Matches a route type in a route-map instance.
Internal route type
OSPF external route type 1
OSPF external route type 2
tag tag-value
Specifies a route tag and route tag value.
vrf name
Specifies a non-default VRF. Valid values range from 0 through 4294967295.


Route-map configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

For non-BGP route-maps, refer to the following topics:
  • match ip address acl
  • match ipv6 address acl

The no form of the command restores the default.


The following example matches AS-path ACL 1 in route-map instance “myroutes”.

device#configure terminal
device(config)# route-map myroutes permit 10
device(config-route-map myroutes/permit/10)# match as-path 1