show interface stats detail

Displays a detailed list of interface statistics.


show interface stats detail
show interface stats detail interface { ethernet slot / port | port-channel index | ve { all | ve-id }}


Specifies what type of interface is displayed.
Specifies an Ethernet interface.
Specifies a valid slot number. For devices that do not support line cards, specify 0.
Specifies a valid port number.
Specifies a port channel interface.
Specifies the port channel number.
Specifies a VE interface.
Shows VE statistics for the specified VE ID.
Shows all VE statistics.


Privileged EXEC mode


The following example displays detailed statistics for a specified Ethernet interface.

device# show interface stats detail interface ethernet 0/41

 Interface Ethernet 0/41 statistics (ifindex 201662464 (0xc052000))
                                   RX                              TX
             Packets         1527093                           30717
               Bytes       195467768                         2933672
            Unicasts         1527089                               0
          Multicasts               4                           30711
          Broadcasts               0                               6
              Errors               0                               0
            Discards               0                               0
            Overruns               0       Underruns               0
               Runts               0
             Jabbers               0
                 CRC               0
        64-byte pkts               0
   Over 64-byte pkts               4
  Over 127-byte pkts         1527089
  Over 255-byte pkts               0
  Over 511-byte pkts               0
 Over 1023-byte pkts               0
 Over 1518-byte pkts               0
           Mbits/Sec        0.000000                        0.000338
          Packet/Sec               0                               0
           Line-rate           0.00%                           0.00%

The following example displays detailed statistics for a specified port channel.

device# show interface stats detail interface port-channel 10 

 Interface Port-channel 10 statistics (ifindex 671088650 (0x2800000a))
                                   RX                              TX
             Packets         1527093                           30795
               Bytes       195467768                         2941072
            Unicasts         1527089                               0
          Multicasts               4                           30789
          Broadcasts               0                               6
              Errors               0                               0
            Discards               0                               0
            Overruns               0       Underruns               0
               Runts               0
             Jabbers               0
                 CRC               0
        64-byte pkts               0
   Over 64-byte pkts               4
  Over 127-byte pkts         1527089
  Over 255-byte pkts               0
  Over 511-byte pkts               0
 Over 1023-byte pkts               0
 Over 1518-byte pkts               0
           Mbits/Sec        0.000000                        0.000000
          Packet/Sec               0                               0
           Line-rate           0.00%                           0.00%
This example displays statistics for all VE interfaces.
device# show interface stats detail interface ve all

VE Statistics
Id          Rx Pkts     Rx Bytes      Tx Pkts      Tx Bytes
100         543         69504          0           0

Id          Rx Pkts     Rx Bytes      Tx Pkts      Tx Bytes
200         5430        6954          234          4560