crypto ca import-pkcs

Imports a TLS server certificate and a private key in PKCS12 format.


crypto ca import-pkcs {type pkcs12 cert-type { ssh-x509v3 | https } protocol {FTP | SCP} directory dir-name file file-name source-ip source-ip host host-address user user-name password scp-password [ pkcs-passphrase pkcs-export-password ] [ use-vrf vrf-name ]}
no crypto ca import-pkcs type pkcs12 cert-type { ssh-x509v3 | https }


type pkcs12
Indicates the private key is in PKCS12 format.
cert-type https | ssh-x509v3}
Indicates that the certificate is used for HTTPS or SSH-x509v3 server authentication.
protocol {FTP | SCP}
Specifies the use of either FTP or SCP protocol for accessing the certification file.
directory dir_name
Defines the directory where the certificate resides.
file file-name
Defines the file name of the certificate file in .pfx or .p12 format.
host host-address
Defines the host name or IP address of the remote certificate server.
source-ip source-ip
(SCP only) Specifies the source IP address to use in the header.
user user-name
Defines the user name for the host server.
password scp-password
Defines the password for the user name on the host server.


As a best practice, do not list the password in the command line for security purposes. The user will be prompted for the password.
pkcs-passphrase pkcs-export-password
Defines the password used at the creation of the .pfx or .p13 certificate file.
use-vrf vrf-name
Defines the VRF to use to reach the host server.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to import a TLS server certificate and private key (in PKCS12 format) to an SLX device (with no trust point) and establish a secure connection

Use the no form of the command to remove a certificate and key.


This example specifies HTTPS authentication and SCP using a VRF named red.

device# crypto ca import-pkcs12 cert-type https protocol SCP host 
user fvt directory /users/crypto file pkcs12cert.p12 password ********** 
pkcs-passphrase ******** use-vrf red

This example removes an HTTPS certificate and key.

device# no crypto ca import-pkcs type pkcs12 cert-type https