show ipv6 vrrp

Displays information about IPv6 VRRP and VRRP-E sessions.


show ipv6 vrrp
show ipv6 vrrp VRID [ detail | summary ]
show ipv6 vrrp detail
show ipv6 vrrp summary [ vrf { vrf-name | all | default-vrf } ]
show ipv6 vrrp interface { ethernet slot/port | port-channel number | ve vlan_id } [ detail | summary ]


The virtual group ID about which to display information. The range is from 1 through 16.
Displays all session information in detail, including session statistics.
Displays session-information summaries.
Specifies a VRF instance or all VRFs.
Specifies a VRF instance. For the default vrf, enter default-vrf.
Specifies all VRFs.
Displays information for an interface that you specify.
ethernet slot port
Specifies a valid, physical Ethernet interface with a slot and port number.
port-channel number
Specifies a port-channel interface.
ve vlan_id
Specifies the VE VLAN number.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display information about IPv6 VRRP and VRRP-E sessions, either in summary or full-detail format. You can also specify a particular virtual group ID, or an interface for which to display VRRP output.



IPv6 VRRP-E supports only the VE interface type.

To display information for IPv6 VRRP sessions using the default VRF, you can use the show ipv6 vrrp summary syntax (with no additional parameters).

To display information for the default or a named VRF, you can use the show ipv6 vrrp summary vrf syntax with the vrf-name option.

To display information about all VRFs, use the show ipv6 vrrp summary vrf all syntax.


The following example displays information about all IPv6 VRRP sessions on the device.

device# show ipv6 vrrp 

Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 2

  Interface: Ve 2018;  Ifindex: 1207961570
  Mode: VRRP
  Admin Status: Enabled
  Description : 
  Address family: IPv6
  Version: 3
  Authentication type: No Authentication
  State: Master
  Session Master IP Address: Local
  Virtual IP(s): fe80::1
  Configured Priority: unset (default: 100); Current Priority: 100
  Advertisement interval: 1000 milli sec  (default: 1000 milli sec)
  Preempt mode: ENABLE  (default: ENABLE)
  Hold time: 0 sec  (default: 0 sec)
    Port(s)                    Priority  Port Status
    =======                    ========  ===========
    Advertisements: Rx: 0, Tx: 35
    Neighbor Advertisements: Tx: 1

  Interface: Ve 2019;  Ifindex: 1207961571
  Mode: VRRP
  Admin Status: Enabled
  Description : 
  Address family: IPv6
  Version: 3
  Authentication type: No Authentication
  State: Master
  Session Master IP Address: Local
  Virtual IP(s): fe80::1
  Configured Priority: unset (default: 100); Current Priority: 100
  Advertisement interval: 1000 milli sec  (default: 1000 milli sec)
  Preempt mode: ENABLE  (default: ENABLE)
  Hold time: 0 sec  (default: 0 sec)
    Port(s)                    Priority  Port Status
    =======                    ========  ===========
    Advertisements: Rx: 0, Tx: 448
    Neighbor Advertisements: Tx: 1

The following example displays IPv6 VRRP information in detail for a specific virtual group ID of 19, including session statistics.

device# show ipv6 vrrp 19 detail

Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1
  Interface: Ve 2019;  Ifindex: 1207961571
  Mode: VRRPE
  Admin Status: Enabled
  Description :
  Address family: IPv6
  Version: 3
  Authentication type: No Authentication
  State: Backup
  Session Master IP Address: fe80::205:33ff:fe79:fb1e
  Virtual IP(s): 2001:2019:8192::1
  Virtual MAC Address: 02e0.5200.2513
  Configured Priority: unset (default: 100); Current Priority: 100
  Advertisement interval: 1 sec  (default: 1 sec)
  Preempt mode: DISABLE  (default: DISABLED)
  Advertise-backup: ENABLE  (default: DISABLED)
  Backup Advertisement interval: 60 sec  (default: 60 sec)
  Short-path-forwarding: Enabled
  Revert-Priority: unset; SPF Reverted: No
  Hold time: 0 sec  (default: 0 sec)
  Master Down interval: 4 sec
    Port(s)                    Priority  Port Status
    =======                    ========  ===========
  Global Statistics:
    Checksum Error : 0
    Version Error  : 0
    VRID Invalid   : 0
  Session Statistics:
    Advertisements             : Rx: 103259, Tx: 1721
    Neighbor Advertisements             : Tx: 0
    Session becoming master    : 0
    Advts with wrong interval  : 0
    Prio Zero pkts             : Rx: 0, Tx: 0
    Invalid Pkts Rvcd          : 0
    Bad Virtual-IP Pkts        : 0
    Invalid Authenticaton type : 0
    Invalid TTL Value          : 0
    Invalid Packet Length      : 0
    VRRPE backup advt sent     : 1721
    VRRPE backup advt recvd    : 0

The following example displays summary information for IPv6 VRRP statistics on the default VRF. (This command is equivalent to show ipv6 vrrp summary vrf default-vrf.)

device# show ipv6 vrrp summary        

Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1
Master session count  : 1
Backup session count  : 0
Init session count    : 0

VRID  Session  Interface  Admin   Current   State    Short-path  Revert    SPF
                          State   Priority           Forwarding  Priority  Reverted
====  =======  =========  =====   ========  =====    ==========  ========  ========
15    VRRPE    Ve 2019    Enabled 100       Master   Enabled     unset     No 

The following example displays summary information for IPv6 VRRP statistics on the VRF named red.

device# show ipv6 vrrp summary vrf red

Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1
Master session count  : 1
Backup session count  : 0
Init session count    : 0

VRID  Session  Interface  Admin   Current   State    Short-path  Revert    SPF
                          State   Priority           Forwarding  Priority  Reverted
====  =======  =========  =====   ========  =====    ==========  ========  ========
14    VRRPE    Ve 2018    Enabled 100       Master   Enabled     unset     No        

The following example displays summary information for IPv6 VRRP statistics on all VRFs.

device# show ipv6 vrrp summary vrf all        

Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 2
Master session count  : 2
Backup session count  : 0
Init session count    : 0

VRID  Session  Interface  Admin   Current   State    Short-path  Revert    SPF
                          State   Priority           Forwarding  Priority  Reverted
====  =======  =========  =====   ========  =====    ==========  ========  ========
14    VRRPE    Ve 2018    Enabled 100       Master   Enabled     unset     No        
15    VRRPE    Ve 2019    Enabled 100       Master   Enabled     unset     No    

The following example displays information for IPv6 VRRP-E tracked networks.

device# show ipv6 vrrp detail        

Total number of VRRP session(s)   : 1

  Interface: Ve 100;  Ifindex: 1207959652
  Mode: VRRPE
  Admin Status: Enabled
  Description :
  Address family: IPv6
  Version: 3
  Authentication type: No Authentication
  State: Master
  Session Master IP Address: Local
  Virtual IP(s): 2001:2019:8192::1
  Virtual MAC Address: 02e0.5225.1002
  Configured Priority: unset (default: 100); Current Priority: 100
  Advertisement interval: 1 sec  (default: 1 sec)
  Preempt mode: DISABLE  (default: DISABLED)
  Advertise-backup: DISABLE  (default: DISABLED)
  Backup Advertisement interval: 60 sec  (default: 60 sec)
  Short-path-forwarding: Disabled
  Revert-Priority: unset; SPF Reverted: No  
  Hold time: 0 sec  (default: 0 sec)
  Master Down interval: 4 sec
    Port(s)                    Priority  Port Status
    =======                    ========  ===========

    Network(s)                 Priority  Status
    =========                  ========  ==========
    2001::/64                  20        Up  

  Global Statistics:
    Checksum Error : 0
    Version Error  : 0
    VRID Invalid   : 0

  Session Statistics:
    Advertisements             : Rx: 0, Tx: 132
    Neighbor Advertisements           : Tx: 66
    Session becoming master    : 1
    Advts with wrong interval  : 0
    Prio Zero pkts             : Rx: 0, Tx: 0
    Invalid Pkts Rvcd          : 0
    Bad Virtual-IP Pkts        : 0
    Invalid Authenticaton type : 0
    Invalid TTL Value          : 0
    Invalid Packet Length      : 0
    VRRPE backup advt sent     : 0
    VRRPE backup advt recvd    : 0