
Configures the chassis or host name for the device.


switch-attributes [ chassis-name chassis-name ] [ host-name host-name ]
switch-attributes [ chassis-name ][host-name ]

Command Default

The default host name is SLX.

The default chassis name varies with the device.


chassis-name chassis-name
Specifies the chassis name. A chassis name can be from 1 through 30 characters long, must begin with a letter, and can contain letters, numbers, and underscore characters.
host-name host-name
Specifies the host name and changes the CLI prompt. A host name can be from 1 through 30 characters long. It must begin with a letter, and can contain letters, numbers, and underscore characters.


Global configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

Use the no form of the command to reset the default settings.

We recommend that you customize the chassis name for each device. Some system logs identify the device by its chassis name; if you assign a meaningful chassis name, logs are more useful.


The following example configures the chassis and host names.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# switch-attributes chassis-name SLX-market1
device(config)# switch-attributes host-name SLX-mrkt