Configure Certificate Authority Trustpoint for Syslog

Before you begin

Configure and install the digital certificate. For digital certificate information, see Digital Certificate Configuration.

About this task

Use this procedure to configure the certificate authority (CA) for the syslog server. This command adds a root or intermediate CA certificate to the syslog certificate store.


  1. Enter Global Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

  2. Configure the CA trustpoint:

    syslog certificate ca-common-name WORD<1-45>

  3. Save the configuration.
  4. Optional: Display the installed syslog server CA trustpoint:

    show syslog certificate

  5. Optional: Display CA details:
    show certificate ca [WORD<1-45>]

    The UsedFor field displays SYSLOG.

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the syslog certificate ca-common-name and show certificate ca commands.

Variable Value
WORD<1-45> Specifies the Certificate Authority common name.