View the Certificate Details on Fabric IPsec Gateway VM

About this task

Use this procedure for the following tasks:
  • Display the digital certificate for a certificate type or list all the certificate details from the local store.

  • Display the certificate authority (CA) details for a trustpoint CA name or list all the CA details from the local store if the CA name is not specified.

  • Display the configured key details for a key name.

  • Display the configured subject details.


  1. Enter Fabric IPsec Gateway Configuration mode:


    virtual-service WORD<1-128> console



    Type CTRL+Y to exit the console.

  2. Display all digital certificates:

    show certificates all

  3. Display the CA details:

    show certificates cacert [<ca-label>]

  4. Display Certificate Revocation List (CRL) certificate details:

    show certificates crl [<ca-label>]

  5. Display the certificate signing request (CSR) details:

    show certificates csr [<ca-label>]

  6. Display the name and public key of all the key-pairs:

    show certificate keys

  7. Display the details of signed certificates:

    show certificate signed [<ca-label>]


Switch:1#virtual-service FIGW console
FIGW>show certificates keys key_rsa
Key Label: 	key_rsa
private key with:
pubkey:    RSA 2048 bits
keyid:     ef:4c:1d:a7:cc:84:6f:87:da:e4:de:99:07:3d:96:fc:9a:d1:c9:f4
subjkey:   cb:d1:67:a0:da:9c:05:ce:c0:0d:a3:5c:1b:ba:ce:3f:ff:af:8f:77

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show certificates command.



ca <ca-label>

Specifies the name of the certificate authority (CA).

If you do not specify the name, the command displays the details of all configured CAs.