Trigger a Layer 2 Tracetree-fan

About this task

Use this procedure to trigger a Layer 2 tracetree-fan from the nickname server to make sure that all the nodes towards the nickname client support the FAN protocol. Layer 2 tracetree-fan allows a user to trigger an LTM on the internal Fabric Area Network (FAN) I-SID. This command allows the user to trace the FAN tree.


Trigger a Layer 2 tracetree-fan:

l2 tracetree—fan [mac <0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x00>] [priority <0–7>] [routernodename WORD<0–255>] [ttl—value <1–255>]


Switch:1# l2 tracetree-fan

Switch:1# l2 tracetree-fan 

Please wait for l2tracetree to complete or press any key to abort

l2tracetree to b1:ad:aa:41:b0:84, vlan 4051 i-sid 16777001 nickname 0.00.00 hops 64

1   Switch-PETER4        b0:ad:aa:41:b0:84 -> Switch-MONTI0        b0:ad:aa:41:48:84
1   Switch-PETER4        b0:ad:aa:41:b0:84 -> Switch-MONTI1        b0:ad:aa:42:88:84
2   Switch-MONTI0        b0:ad:aa:41:48:84 -> Switch-LEE2          b0:ad:aa:43:3c:84