Configure Extended Community Lists

Configure community lists to specify permitted routes by BGP extended community attributes, including route targets and sites of origin (SOO). This list acts as a filter that matches route targets and SOO.

Before you begin

  • Configure BGP on a VRF instance the same way you configure the GlobalRouter, except that you must use VRF Router Configuration mode and the prefix ip bgp. The VRF must have an RP Trigger of BGP.



    Route refresh is not currently supported on non-default VRFs.


  1. Enter BGP Router Configuration mode:


    configure terminal

    router bgp

  2. Create an extended community list based on the route target attribute:

    ip extcommunity-list <1-1024> memberId <0-65535> rt {<0–65535> <0-2147483647>|<A.B.C.D> <0–65535>} [soo {<0-65535> <0-2147483647>|<A.B.C.D> <0-65535>}]

    You can optionally configure the SOO attributes at the end of the same command or you can configure the SOO separately using the syntax in the following step.

  3. Create an extended community list based on the SOO attribute:

    ip extcommunity-list <1-1024> memberId <0-65535> soo {<0-65535> <0-2147483647>|<A.B.C.D> <0-65535>}


Create an extended community list based on the route target attribute:

Switch(config)# ip extcommunity-list 1 memberid 234 rt 5 soo 32 45

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the ip extcommunity-list command.




Specifies an integer value from 1–1024 that represents the community list ID you want to create or modify.

memberId <0-65535>

Specifies an integer value from 0–65535 that represents the member ID in the community list.

rt <0-65536> <0-2147483647>

rt <A.B.C.D> <0-65535>

Specifies the route target in the format {AS number:assigned number} (that is, {0–65535}:{0–2147483647}) or {ipaddress:assigned number} (that is, {a.b.c.d}:{0–65535}).

soo <0-65535> <0-2147483647>

soo <A.B.C.D> <0-65535>

Specifies the site of origin in the format {AS number:assigned number} (that is, {0–65535}:{0–2147483647}) or {ipaddress:assigned number} (that is, {a.b.c.d}:{0–65535}).