Graph IPsec Interface Statistics

Use this procedure to graphically view IPsec statistics and counter values for each IPsec-enabled interface.

About this task

If you select an interface on the Stats tab, you can select Graph to graph particular statistics for that interface.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Security > Control Path.
  2. Select IPSec.
  3. Select the Interface Stats tab.
  4. Select a row, and Select Graph.
  5. Select one of the parameters, and Select the appropriate icon in the upper-left corner of the menu bar to draw a line chart, area chart, bar chart, or a pie chart.
  6. To clear existing counters, and fix a reference point in time to restart the counters, Select Clear Contents.
  7. To export the statistical data to a file, select Export.
  8. To configure a poll interval, select an appropriate value from the Poll Interval drop-down list.