Link Trace Message

Connectivity Fault Management offers link trace messaging for fast fault detection. Link trace messages allow operators, service providers and customers to verify the connectivity that they provide or use and to debug systems.

Link Trace Message — Unicast

The link trace message (LTM) is often compared to traceroute. A MEP transmits the LTM packet. This packet specifies the target MAC address of an MP,which is the SPBM system ID or the virtual SMLT MAC. MPs on the path to the target address respond with an LTR.

Link Trace Message — Multicast

The multicast link trace message (LTM) can be used to trace the multicast tree from any node on any I- SID using the nickname MAC address and the I-SID multicast address.

Specifying a multicast target address for an LTM allows for the tracing of the multicast tree corresponding to that destination address (DA). With a multicast target every node that is in the active topology for that multicast address responds with a Linktrace reply and also forwards the LTM frame along the multicast path. Missing Linktrace replies (LTRs) from the nodes in the path indicate the point of first failure.

Use this functionality to better troubleshoot I-SID multicast paths in a SPBM network.