Configure Mroute Stream Limit

Limit the number of multicast streams to protect a CPU from multicast data packet bursts generated by malicious applications, such as viruses that cause the CPU to reach 100 percent utilization or that prevent the CPU from processing protocol packets or management requests. If more than a certain number of multicast streams ingress to a CPU through a port during a sampling interval, the port shuts down until you take appropriate action.


  1. On the Device Physical View tab, select a port.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit > Port.
  3. Select General.
  4. Select the Mroute Stream Limit tab.
  5. Select the StreamLimitEnable box.
  6. Edit other fields as required.
  7. Select Apply.

Mroute Stream Limit Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Mroute Stream Limit tab.




Enables or disables mroute stream limit on the port.


Specifies the maximum number of multicast streams allowed to enter the CPU through this port.


Specifies the sampling period, in seconds, to check the number of multicast streams that enter the CPU through this port.