Install EDM Help Files

While the EDM GUI is bundled with the switch software, the associated EDM help files are not. To access the help files from the EDM GUI, you must install the EDM help files on a TFTP or FTP server in the network.

Use the following procedure to install the EDM help files on a TFTP or FTP server, and configure EDM to use the help files

Before you begin

If you use an FTP server to store the help files, ensure that you configure the switch with the host user name and password.


  1. Download the EDM help file.
  2. On a TFTP or FTP server reachable from the switch, create a directory called Help.


    You can name the directory anything that helps you remember its purpose.

  3. Unzip the EDM help zip file into the directory created in the preceding step.
  4. In the EDM navigation pane, expand Configuration > Security > Control Path.
  5. Select General.
  6. Select Web.
  7. In HelpTftp/Ftp_SourceDir, type the path, including the IP address, to the help files.
  8. Select Apply.