Configure a VTEP Source IP Address

Use the following procedure to configure the VXLAN Gateway source IP address.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit.
  2. Select VTEP.
  3. Select the Globals tab.
  4. In the SourceIp field, type the VTEP source IP address.
  5. In the Vrf field, select GlobalRouter or a VRF ID.
  6. Select Apply.

Globals field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.




Specifies the VXLAN tunnel end point (VTEP) source IP address in an A.B.C.D format.


Specifies the VRF name used for the source IP address, which you select from the drop down menu. This IP address can be on the GRT or a VRF.


The VTEP source IP address must be on a loopback interface.