Configure an ACE Ethernet Port

Use ACE Ethernet port entries so that the filter looks for traffic on specific ports. You can only insert an ACE Common Ethernet port for VLAN ACL types.

Before you begin

  • The ACL exists.

  • The ACE exists.


  1. In the navigation tree, expand the following folders: Configuration > Security > Data Path.
  2. SelectAdvanced Filters (ACE/ACLs).
  3. Select the ACL tab.
  4. Select the appropriate ACL.
  5. Select ACE.
  6. Select the appropriate ACE.
  7. Select Eth.
  8. Select the Port tab.
  9. Select Insert.
  10. Specify the operation type.
  11. Select the Port ellipses (...).
  12. Choose the ports.
  13. Select OK.
  14. Select Insert.

Port field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Port tab.




Specifies the ACL ID.


Specifies the ACE ID.


The eq parameter specifies an operator for a field match condition: equal to.


Specifies the port or port list on which to perform a match.