View MACsec Statistics

Perform this procedure to view the MACsec statistics.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. View the general MACsec statistics:

    show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}]

  3. View the secure-channel inbound MACsec statistics:

    show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}] secure-channel inbound

  4. View the secure-channel outbound MACsec statistics:

    show macsec statistics [{slot/port[/sub-port][-slot/port[/sub-port]][,...]}] secure-channel outbound


Display general MACsec statistics, inbound MACsec statistics, and outbound MACsec statistics:

The switch supports MACsec on specific ports. For more information, see your hardware documentation.



Display inconsistencies might occur for MACsec statistics when different ports interoperate with one another.

The VSP4900-24P displays only the Security Association (SA) statistics and not the global Secure Channel statistics. If you shutdown a port on these switches and it has MACsec enabled, then the system deletes the SAs and displays the count as 0 in the show commands.

Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/40

                             MACSEC Port Statistics
        TxUntagged       TxTooLong       RxUntagged      RxNoTag
PortId   Packets          Packets         Packets        Packets
1/40       0               0               0               0         

          RxBadTag      RxUnknown       RxNoSCI       RxOverrun
PortId    Packets       SCIPackets      Packets        Packets
1/40       0               0               0               0         

Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/40 secure-channel inbound

                 MACSEC Port Inbound Secure Channel Statistics
           UnusedSA     NoUsingSA       Late         NotValid      Invalid
PortId     Packets      Packets        Packets       Packets       Packets
1/40       0               0               0           100037        0            

           Delayed     Unchecked        Ok         Octets          Octets
PortId     Packets      Packets        Pkts      Validated       Decrypted
1/40       0               0               0         53528828      0   
Switch:1#show macsec statistics 1/40 secure-channel outbound

                 MACSEC Port Outbound Secure Channel Statistics
          Protected      Encrypted      Octets          Octets
PortId     Packets        Packets      Protected       Encrypted
1/40       0               99946           0               53434154