Basic IPv4 Configuration

To configure the VLAN IPv4 configuration:

  1. Select the IPv4 tab.

    IPv4 is a connectionless protocol. It operates on a best effort delivery model that does not guarantee delivery or assures proper sequencing or avoidance of duplicate delivery (unlike TCP).

    Click to expand in new window
    Profile Overrides - Virtual Interfaces Basic Configuration Screen - IPv4 Tab
  2. Set the following network information in the IPv4 Addresses field:

    Enable Zero Configuration

    Zero configuration can be a means of providing a primary or secondary IP addresses for the virtual interface. Zero configuration (or zero config) is a wireless connection utility included with Microsoft Windows XP and later as a service dynamically selecting a network to connect based on a user's preferences and various default settings. Zero config can be used instead of a wireless network utility from the manufacturer of a computer's wireless networking device. This value is set to None by default.

    Primary IP Address

    Define the IP address for the VLAN associated virtual interface.

    Use DHCP to Obtain IP

    Select this option to allow DHCP to provide the IP address for the virtual interface. Selecting this option disables the Primary IP Address field.

    Use DHCP to Obtain Gateway/DNS Servers

    Select this option to allow DHCP to obtain a default gateway address and DNS resource for one virtual interface. This setting is disabled by default and only available when the Use DHCP to Obtain IP option is selected.

    Secondary Addresses

    Use this parameter to define additional IP addresses to associate with VLAN IDs. The address provided in this field is used if the primary IP address is unreachable.

  3. Click OK to save the changes to the IPv4 configuration.

    Click Reset to revert to the last saved configuration.