Configuring a Bonjour Discovery Policy

The Bonjour discovery policy configures how Bonjour services are located. It configures the VLANs on which these services can be found.


The WiNG 7.1 release does not support Bonjour on AP505 and AP510 model access points. This feature will be supported in future releases.

To display Bonjour discovery policy information:

  1. Select Configuration.
  2. Select Services.
  3. Select Bonjour Gateway to expand its submenu.
  4. Select Discovery Policy.
    The Discovery Policy screen displays the name of the configured Bonjour discovery policies.
    Click to expand in new window
    Bonjour Gateway - Discovery Policy Screen
  5. Select an existing policy and select Edit to modify its configuration or select Add to create a new configuration..

    Select an existing policy and click Delete to delete the policy, or use Copy to create a copy of a policy for further modifications. Optionally, Rename a policy or Copy a policy to a different location.

    Click to expand in new window
    Bonjour - Discovery Policy - Add/Edit Policy Screen
  6. Select the + Add Row button to add a rule to the Bonjour discovery policy.
    These are the services discoverable by the Bonjour gateway.
  7. Set the following discovery attributes for the discovery policy configuration:
    Service Name Define the service that can be discovered by the Bonjour gateway.
    • Predefined – Use the drop-down menu to select from a list of predefined Apple services (Scanner, Printer, HomeSharing etc.).
    • Alias – Use an existing alias to define a service that is not available in the predefined list.
    VLAN Type Use the drop-down menu to select the VLAN type.
    • local – The VLAN(s) defined in the Service VLAN field use a local bridging mode.
    • tunneled – The VLAN(s) defined in the Service VLAN field are shared tunnel VLANs.
    Service VLANs Provide a VLAN or a list of VLANs on which the selected service is discoverable.
  8. Click OK to save updates to this Bonjour Discovery policy.
    Click Reset to revert the screen to its last saved configuration.