

A request to create or configure a TDM MPLS PW was rejected due to the reason specified in the log. The most likely cause of this is a change in the MPLS configuration, such as from terminating or restarting the MPLS process, that results in a previously valid label configuration now being deemed invalid.


To resolve this situation, either the range of static labels must be changed to accomodate the TDM MPLS PWs using the "configure mpls label max-static" command, or any conflicting users of the same static labels must be re-configured to use different labels.



Message Text

TDM PW label configuration for CES %cesName%, PW ID %pwId%, Peer IP %peerIp% was rejected with reason: %reason%

Message Parameters

Name Type
cesName String
pwId uInt32
peerIp IPaddressN
reason String