

The condition occurrs when a negative Pdelay was calculated. A bad measurement could be the cause. This condition should not persist. If 3 bad measurements are detected consecutively, then a bad value will be substitued and will cause the port to become not asCapable. The MDPdelayReq state machine is in the WAITING_FOR_PDELAY_INTERVAL_TIMER state.


If the negative Pdelay measurements persists, then latency offset values configured on chip need to be re-evaluated. It could also be the connected device is sending invalid time stamps causing a negative pdelay value. If this condition persists, try using longer cables to see if the negative Pdelay measurements continue.



Message Text

Negative propagation delay measured on port = %port%, t41: sec=%t41sec% nano = %t41nano%, t32: sec=%t32sec% nano=%t32nano%, diff: ns = %ddelay% - In WAITING_FOR_PDELAY_RESP_INTERVAL_TIMER state.

Message Parameters

Name Type
port SlotPort
t41sec sInt32
t41nano sInt32
t32sec sInt32
t32nano sInt32
ddelay sInt32