

The configured reserved packet memory for a port and QoS profile added to the amount of shared packet memory available to the port is insufficient to contain a packet whose size exceeds the stated size. This means that all received packets of the stated size or greater to be transmitted to such a port and QoS profile will be dropped. This may not be a problem if the customer's network does not use packets of such sizes. This message will appear when an I/O card enters Operational state if a saved packet memory configuration resulted in the condition, or each time thereafter that any change is made to the packet memory configuration and the condition still exists.


If packets of the stated size or greater are used in the customer's network, the customer must change the packet memory configuration so that all ports and QoS profiles in the stated port range have sufficient packet memory space to hold the packets. This can be done by changing the maxbuffer settings using the command "configure {qosprofile} <qosprofile> maxbuffer <percent> ports <port-range>" and/or increasing the shared packet memory percentage using the command "configure ports <port-range> shared-packet-buffer <percent>". The packet memory condition may be viewed using the debug command "debug hal show platform packet-buffer ports <port-range>".



Message Text

At least one port and QoS profile for%spread%ports in range %port_range% cannot transmit packets larger than %pkt_size% bytes because of packet memory configuration.

Message Parameters

Name Type
port_range String
spread String
pkt_size uInt