This event occurs when an ingress MPLS RSVP-TE LSP changes state. The valid states for an MPLS RSVP-TE LSP are "Up" and "Down". This event also contains relevant information about the LSP at the time of the state change, such as the MPLS label.
No action required - Informational message only.
LSP \"%lspName%\" using Path \"%lspPath%\" changed state from %prevState% to %curState%. Source=%srcIpAddr%, Destination=%destIpAddr%, TunnelId=%tunnelId%, LSPId=%lspId%, Active=%isActive%, ReceivedLabel=%rcvdLabel%, NextHopIf=%nexthopIf%, NextHopAddr=%nexthopAddr%
Name | Type |
lspName | String |
lspPath | String |
srcIpAddr | IP |
destIpAddr | IP |
tunnelId | uInt32 |
lspId | uInt32 |
prevState | String |
curState | String |
isActive | String |
rcvdLabel | xInt32 |
nexthopIf | String |
nexthopAddr | IP |