

Logged when the size of Identity database reaches near to max size configured. Before adding any new information in identity management, check for memory availablity is performed. If 90% of the maximum allocated memory is already used and new information is to be added to the database, this EMS is genearted. This can be an indicator of error condition as too many identities have been discovered on the device


This message is for error notifcation purpose, and indicates that too many users/device have been detected on the device. Admin may want to check the reason for the discovery of so many identites on the device. Also, admin may want to check the configured memory size for identity database and increase the memory size, if required



Message Text

Current memory usage %memUsed% Kbytes, %percMem% percent of %maxMem% Kbytes. No new Identities shall be added to the database.

Message Parameters

Name Type
memUsed sInt
percMem sInt
maxMem sInt