

Used when ospf tries to add a tent entry to SPF TENT, but find a same tent (same IP) with lower cost. Stop adding the new pent. %id%: IP address of the pent. Type %id% -------------------------------------- Point-to-Point Neighboring router's Router ID Transit Networks IP address of the Designated Router Stub Network IP network/subnet number Virtual Link Neighboring router's Router ID %data%: IP mask of the pent. Value depends on the link's Type field. For connections to stub networks, it specifies the network's IP address. For the other link types it specified the router interface's IP address. %cost%: the cost of the found same pent.


None. This is for debugging.



Message Text

Found temporary path entry %id%/%data% with lower cost %cost%. Ignoring.

Message Parameters

Name Type
id IPN
data IPN
cost uInt