

Currently this message only applies to x430-8p where there's no HW or SW overheat protection. One of the reason that could cause overheat is when switch is in rack mount configuration and POE power is set to 90W. When temperature is above operating range, this event occurs, the switch reboots, stopping at a prompt before starting the operating system. If the user evaluates the situation and determines that switch is no longer in overheat state, he/she needs to manually type "Y/y" to continue boot up process.


User needs to check the environment temperature and switch configuration (POE configuration, switch mounting position) to see if problems that caused switch overheat are now fixed. Once user determines switch is no longer in overheat state and ready to reboot, he/she can type "Y/y" to continue boot up process.



Message Text

Rebooting the switch because it has overheated.