This condition occurs when the current time minus the pdelay Interval Timer is greater than or equal to the pdelay request Interval. The port is no longer asCapable. The MDPdelayReq state machine transitions from the WAITING_FOR_PDELAY_RESP_FOLLOW_UP to the RESET state as described in figure 11-8 of the IEEE 802.1AS-2001 document. Note - this message is only recorded when the number of lost Responses is greater or equal to allowed lost responses as defined in the RESET state.
No action required - Informational message only.
Did not receive Pdelay Response Followup in time: asCapable is %asCapable%, port = %port%: currentTime - pdelayIntervalTimer (sec = %sec1% nano = %nano1%) >= pdelayReqInterval (sec = %sec2%, nano = %nano2%): lostResponses = %lostResponses%: allowedLostResponses = %allowedLostResponses%: Exiting WAITING_FOR_PDELAY_RESP_FOLLOW_UP to RESET state
Name | Type |
asCapable | uInt |
port | SlotPort |
sec1 | uInt64 |
nano1 | uInt |
sec2 | uInt16 |
nano2 | uInt16 |
lostResponses | uInt16 |
allowedLostResponses | uInt16 |