Display Static Data I-SID IP Multicast Routes Information

This procedure does not apply to XA1400 Series and VSP 8600 Series.
About this task
Perform this procedure to display the static data I-SID IP multicast routes information.
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select SPBM.
- Select the StaticIsidIpMcastRoutes tab.
- Select the desired row and type the value of static data I-SID.
StaticIsidIpMcastRoutes Field Descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the StaticIsidIpMcastRoutes tab.
Name |
Descriptions |
IsidType |
Indicates the type of static data I-SID. |
Group |
Indicates the group address of the IP multicast route that contains multicast routing information. |
Source |
Indicates the IP address where the IP multicast route originated. |
VsnIsid |
Indicates the Virtual Routing Network (VSN) I-SID. |
SourceBeb |
Indicates the name of the source Backbone Edge Bridge for IP multicast route. |
VrfName |
Indicates the VRF name of the interface. |
DataIsid |
Indicates the static I-SID value for IP multicast route. |
Bvlan |
Indicates the Backbone VLANs (B-VLANs) for the IP multicast route. |
NniInterfaces |
Specifies the NNI ports for the IP multicast route.SPBM runs in the core on the ports that connect to the core. These ports are NNI ports. Ports that face a customer VLAN are user-to-network interface (UNI) ports. |