Called-Station ID attribute: For IEEE 802.1X authenticators, the Called-Station ID stores the bridge or access point MAC address in upper case ASCII format, with octet values separated by a hyphen (-). For example: 00-10-A4-23-19-C0.
In IEEE 802.11, where the SSID is known, the SSID must be appended to the access point MAC address and separated from the MAC address with a colon (:). For example: 00-10-A4-23-19-C0:AP1.
Calling-Station ID: For IEEE 802.1X authenticators, the Calling-Station ID is used to store the supplicant MAC address in upper case ASCII format, with octet values separated by a hyphen (-). For example: 00-10-A4-23-19-C0.
NAS-Port ID: The NAS-Port ID is used to identify the IEEE 802.1X Authenticator port which authenticates the Supplicant. The NAS-Port-Id differs from the NAS-Port in that it is a string of variable length whereas the NAS-Port is a 4 octet value.