In the following example, RESTCONF sends a request that involves multiple commands where one command operation fails and other command operations proceed.
POST http://{{vossip}}:8080/rest/restconf/data/extreme-network-service:network-services { "extreme-network-service:network-services": [ { "network-service": { "id": "990099", "type": "elanTransparent", "name": "isid-990099", "interfaces": { "interface": [ { "name": "1/8" } ] } } } ] } { "ietf-restconf:errors": { "error": [ { "error-message": "Unable to push data - Manual configuration not allowed on Auto-Sense port", "error-tag": "operation-failed", "error-type": "protocol" } ] } }
Switch:1(config)#i-sid name 990099 isid-990099 Switch:1(config)#i-sid 990099 elan-transparent Switch:1(elan-tp:990099)#port 1/8 Switch:1>show i-sid ************************************************************************************ ========================================================================================================== ISID ISID PORT MLT ORIGIN ISID ID TYPE VLANID INTERFACES INTERFACES NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99999 ELAN_TR N/A - - C --- - --- - - isid-99999 990099 ELAN_TR N/A - - C --- - --- - - isid-990099