Configuring OSPFv3 globally
Configure OSPFv3 globally to enable it on the system and to configure the router ID.
Before you begin
Change the VRF instance as required to configure OSPFv3 on a specific VRF instance.
Non-default VRFs do not support the configuration of the following parameters:-
OSPFv3 interfaces over IPv6 tunnels
IPSec on OSPFv3 virtual link interfaces
Globals field descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.

Different hardware platforms support different port speeds. For more information, see your hardware documentation.
Name |
Description |
RouterId |
Specifies a 32–bit integer that identifies the router in the autonomous system. This value must be unique. The default value will be one of the IPv4 interface addresses. |
AdminStat |
Enables or disables OSPFv3 on the router. If you disable OSPFv3 globally, you disable it on all interfaces. The default is disabled. |
VersionNumber |
Shows the OSPF version number, which for IPv6 is version 3. |
AreaBdrRtrStatus |
Shows if the router is an area border router. |
ASBdrRtrStatus |
Configures the router as an autonomous system boundary router. The default is disabled (clear). |
HelperModeDisable |
Disables Graceful Restart Helper Mode feature. |
AsScopeLsaCount |
Shows the number of AS-external link-state advertisements in the LSDB. |
AsScopeLsaCksumSum |
Shows the sum of the checksums for the link-scope LSAs in the LSDB. Use the sum to determine if a change in the LSDB occurs, and to compare the LSDBs of the two routers. |
OriginateNewLsas |
Shows the number of new link-state advertisements. The number increases each time the router originates a new LSA. |
RxNewLsas |
Shows the number of new link-state advertisements received. This number does not include new instances of self-originated link-state advertisements. |
ExtLsaCount |
Shows the number of external (LS type 0x4005) LSAs in the LSDB. |
10MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 10 Mbps interfaces (ports). The default is 100. |
100MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 100 Mbps interfaces (ports). The default is 10. |
1000MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 1 Gbps interfaces (ports). The default is 1. |
10000MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 10 Gbps interfaces (ports). The default is 1. |
25000MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 25 Gbps interfaces (channelized 100 Gbps ports). The default is 1. |
40000MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 40 Gbps interfaces (ports). The default is 1. |
100000MbpsPortDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to 100 Gbps interfaces (ports). The default is 1. |
vlanDefaultMetric |
Indicates the default cost applied to VLAN interfaces. The default is 10. |