If a VRF uses a different protocol to redistribute routes from another VRF, the IS-IS accept policy feature cannot be used. You can only use the IS-IS accept policy for inter-VSN route redistribution between VRFs.
IPv4 and IPv6 IS-IS accept policies can exist on the same VRF and GRT; The I-SID list configuration is shared across both protocol versions.
You can only apply one configured IS-IS accept policy for each route.
You can apply either a default filter for all advertising BEBs or a filter for a specific advertising BEB.
If you disable the accept filter, the system ignores the filter and the filter with the next highest precedence applies.
The device prefers the accept adv-rtr filter, which filters based on a specific advertising BEB, over the default filter for all advertising BEBs.
The device accepts all routes within the same VSN by default. You can apply a route policy to filter or change the characteristics of the route by metric or preference.
The i-sid or isid-list filters are not valid for routes within the same VSN.
You can only apply one configured IS-IS accept policy for each route.
You can apply filters at a global default level for all BEBs for a specific I-SID or I-SID list, or you can apply filters for a specific advertising BEB for a specific I-SID or I-SID list.
If you disable the accept filter, the system ignores the filter and the filter with the next highest precedence applies.
The device requires a specific filter to redistribute routes between VSNs through the use of the i-sid or isid-list filters.
The i-sid filter takes precedence over the isid-list filter.
The adv-rtr filter for a specific advertising BEB takes precedence over a filter with the same i-sid filter without the adv-rtr filter.
The i-sid or isid-list filters only apply to routes for inter-VSN route redistribution.
If multiple isid-list filters have the same I-SID within the list, the first on the list alphabetically has the higher precedence.