A Security Profile is set of configurations that control how your alarms are generated. Use the Security Profile screen to view a list of these profiles configured for you Extreme AirDefense managed system.
A complete security profile consists of the following configurations:
General Configuration - This set of parameters configure settings related to wireless clients.
Privacy Configuration - This set of parameters enable you to monitor privacy settings.
Rate Settings - This set of parameters select the specific rates that you need to monitor.
The Enable Configuration switch must be set to ON for security profiles to be applied throughout your Extreme AirDefense monitored network. This setting is only available at the topmost level of your Extreme AirDefense network tree.
To add a new security profile:
The Security Profile screen displays.
In the SSID field, provide the SSID that the security profile applies to. This must be a valid SSID used in your Extreme AirDefense system.
Configure the following preferences for this security profile:
Field | Description |
Communication to Wireless Clients |
Select one of the following options:
Allow unsanctioned Wireless clients | Select this switch to allow or prevent unsanctioned wireless clients access to your system. |
Allow SSID broadcast in Beacons | Select this switch to allow the BSS SSID to be broadcast in its beacon. SSIDs are not passwords. Many BSSs allow their SSIDs to broadcast by default. |
This field configures the settings related to transmission privacy.
Provide the following additional configuration information:
Field | Description |
Extended 802.11 Authentication |
802.11 Encryption |
Advanced Key Generation |
Base 802.11 Authentication |
Other Encryption |
This field configures the transmit and receive data rates for BSSs to use.
The field expands to display a set of default rates.
From the list of rates, select the ones that you want to apply.
Select the More Rate Settings button to expand this list to include more rates that you can apply.
Select the rates that you want to apply to this security profile.