After you have created a report, regardless of whether you started with a blank template or an existing report, use the following guidelines for enhancing it:
Right-click menus make it easy to work with report components. The Report Builder interface displays the right-click options that are available for use, and grays out those that are not.To add sections - Right-click on the name of the report in the tree. Select Insert Simple Components, and then select Section.
To add columns - Right-click on a section, select Insert Simple Components, and then select Column.
To add simple components - Click Edit on the tool bar or right-click on the name of your report in the tree. Select Insert Simple Components, and then select the item you want to add.
To add data fields, tables, charts, and floor plans - To add one of these report components to the highest level in the tree, click the name of the report in the tree (the top-level node). To add a report component to a section, click the column in that section that you want to add the component to. Then either right-click or click Edit on the tool bar. Select the item you want to add.
When building alarm tables with an ap_MAC column, the ap_MAC column will only show data for alarms that were triggered by a wireless client (station) associated to an AP's BSS. Other alarms will leave this field blank.