Create Network Levels

In Tree Setup, you add network levels by selecting an existing starting point in the tree and clicking the add child link. Any time you add a network level and an equivalent level already exists, it appears in the tree in alphabetical order.



The menu will only display the network level that is available at the selected level. You cannot add a network level that is higher up in the network tree.

Click the network level that you want to add. The new level will be hidden under the parent level. Click the Expand-Collapse button next to the parent to reveal the new network level. Then, select the folder representing the new level.



If the parent of the new level already contain sensors, you cannot add a new level to it.

Click the network level that you want to add. The new level will be hidden under the parent level. Click the Expand-Collapse button next to the parent to reveal the new network level. Then, select the folder representing the new level.



If the parent of the new level already contain Sensors, you cannot add a new level to it.
Click to expand in new window

You can now name your new network level and give it a description. The name and description can be changed at any time. Repeat this process until you have defined your network tree.

Click to expand in new window

You can delete a network level by selecting (highlighting) it and then clicking the Delete (X) button on the right side of the highlighted area. A network level may not be deleted if contains static devices. Also, if the network level is the last level for an appliance, it may not be deleted.