Forensic Backup Configuration

Use the fields in the left of the screen to set the remote server for saving the forensic backups.

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Forensic Logs - Remote Server Configuration

To save your forensic logs on a remote server, you should enable the feature. Use the switch in this field and set it to the ON position.

Configure the following:

Field Description
Host The IP address of the remote server on which to store the forensic logs.
Port The port number on which the remote server is listening to incoming connections.
Select Protocol The protocol to use to connect to the remote server. Can be one of:
  • HTTP
  • FTP
  • SCP
  • SFTP
  • TFTP
Path The destination directory on the remote sever where the forensic log files will be stored.
User The username used to connect to the remote server.
Password The valid password for the account in the User field.
Retries The number of attempts that will be made to connect to the remote server in the case the remote server is not accessible. Set a value in the range of 1-5 attempts. Extreme AirDefense will stop trying to connect to the remote server once it has tried this many number of times.
Verify Server Certificate/Key Forces Extreme AirDefense to verify that the server certificate (for HTTPS connections) or server key (for SCP or SFTP connections ) is valid for the remote server.

Use the APPLY button to save the changes made to the configurations in this screen. Use the Reset button to revert the changes made to the fields in this screen to their previous settings.