Generate a Network Tree

Before you can use a new installation of Extreme AirDefense Essentials, you must define the network structure of the sites that the system must manage. On first use, you must generate the system's network tree.

  1. Select the icon located to the top right of the screen.

    The Structure Configuration screen displays.

    Click to expand in new window

    A blank network tree is generated from the Structure Configuration screen.

  2. From the Structure Configuration screen, select the Default button.
  3. Select the Generate button.

    A blank network tree is created with the top level node named as ADSP.

    Click to expand in new window
  4. Hover on this level to display the action buttons for this level.
    Click to expand in new window
  5. Use the icon to add a sub-node to this top level node.

    The Edit Structure dialog displays.

    For more information on viewing and managing nodes, see the topic View And Manage Your Network Tree.

  6. Once you have completed populating all the nodes in your network tree, select the Done button located on the top right of this dialog.
    The Edit Structure dialog is closed and the Structure Configuration screen displays.