Import CLI Variables



A WLAN Management license is required to import CLI variables.

The Import CLI Variables action is used to import CLI variables at the device level. Naturally, the CLI variable should already exist in the device's profile or it will not be applied.

Comma delimited files are used to import CLI variables. The format of the file is:

cli_variables,server,deviceMAC or folderPath,deviceType,var1,var1_value,var2,var2_value,var3,var3_value,[etc.]

There are different ways to create a comma delimited file but the most trouble-free way is to use a text editor, such as Notepad.

The first line is reserved for header information. If you do not want to include header information, make the first line a blank line.


cli_variables,localhost,00:00:00:a0:e7:33,ap,MASK, cli_variables,localhost,00:00:00:c7:00:39,ap,HOSTNAME,AP7131_Cube44,MASK,,GATEWAY, cli_variables,localhost,US/Southeast/Alpharetta/Floor1,,HOSTNAME,AP7131_Cube44


deviceType can be blank if designating a folderPath.

When you select the Import CLI Variables action, a dialog window opens where you can specify the directory (folder) and name of the CSV file.

Click to expand in new window

Select the import file and then click Open to import the CLI variables.