Required Files

The following files are required for installation:

To Install On VMware

To install AirDefense as a VM on VMware, download the file QAD-VM-adsp-9-2-0-09.ova and use it to install AirDefense on VMware.

You can also use the AirDefense ISO file for large installations. For more information contact GTAC. For more information on how to contact GTAC, see Getting Help.

To Install On Xen Hypervisor

To install AirDefense as a VM on Xen Hypervisor, download the files AD-VM-adsp-9-2-0-09-dvd.gz and AD-VM-adsp-9-2-0-09-dvd.xm.



Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) is no longer supported.

You can download the latest version from Extreme Networks support site at the following URL: