Scenario C

ProfileX and ProfileY are defined at the folder level but modified at the device level (override a named profile) or (inherit profile but edit variables) as follows:

  1. Information is inherited from ProfileX.
    1. HOSTNAME=Test-Hostname
    2. GATEWAY=
  2. Set override and make some changes.
    1. HOSTNAME=TestB-Hostname
    2. GATEWAY is cleared to null
    Click to expand in new window
  3. Save changes.
  4. Now set back to inherit either ProfileX or ProfileY (any other profile).
    Click to expand in new window

In this case (as in Scenario B), these values were set at the device level. Override was removed and the device was set to inherit again. You might expect Step 2 of this example to be reset to Step 1. This is not the case. You would have to clear the settings in the variables section for this to happen; otherwise, the variables section would always change to the values of the inherited profile (X or Y).