Floor Plans

This task describes how to create a detailed floor plan of your network and devices.
Click to expand in new window

You can create a detailed floor plan map of your network and devices from the Structure Configuration window:

Click to expand in new window

To map your floor plan:
  1. From the Structure Configuration tree on the Configuration tab, select the Floor level.
  2. To configure your floor plan, select the Configure button at the top right corner of the panel.

    The Floor Details window displays.

    Click to expand in new window
  3. To select the type of environment that your floor plan represents, select the down arrow to expand the drop-down list:

    The Environment drop-down list displays.

    Click to expand in new window
  4. To upload an image of your floor plan, select the Browse button and choose the file to upload.
  5. Use the Coverage panel in the right-hand Floor Details window to set the boundaries for your floor plan map. Select Auto to configure the map using default coverage boundaries. Select Manual to configure the boundaries manually.



If you select Auto to use the default coverage option, changes and varitions in the proximity of your mapped devices may occur. Use the Manual option to set your coverage to prevent these issues.

  1. Use the Scale panel in the right-hand Floor Details window to set the scale for your floor plan map. Select Auto to configure the map using default scaling. Select Manual to configure the scale manually.



If you select Auto to use the default scale option, changes and varitions in the proximity of your mapped elements may occur. Use the Manual option to set your scale to prevent these issues.

  1. To add a device to your floor plan map, select it from the right-hand list of devices and drag and drop it on the map.
  2. To view Device Locations, navigate to the Network Snapshot tab and select any BSS, Wireless Client, or BT/BE device type. If the device type is configured for a floor plan, the Device Location window opens
  3. Select Show All Devices to display all the the devices and APs:
  4. If a floor plan is not configured, you can configure a floor plan from this window: