Scan Settings

The Scan Settings tab is used to enable Sensor-level options and configure the Sensor scan pattern. Scan settings are configured at the appliance level of the network tree and inherited by all lower levels.

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The appliance level can be expanded to show the lower levels. If a lower level is selected from the tree, its scan settings are displayed on the right. If the scan settings are inherited from a parent level, the options are read only and grayed-out. If the scan settings are overridden, the options have read/write permission and can be edited. All tree levels that do not inherit the same settings as the selected node are displayed with gray text. The following options are available:

Feature/Function Description

Enable Air Termination

Air Termination lets you terminate the connection between your wireless LAN and any or Station associated with it. By default, Air Termination is disabled. It can only be enabled in the Appliance Manager.

Enable Background SA Scan

Spectrum Analysis has the capability to run background scans. By default, background scans are disabled.

Enable WEP Cloak

WEP Cloaking is an add-on tool that injects noise into a WEP-protected environment by transmitting frames that appear to be sourced from valid devices but are encrypted with an invalid WEP key. By default, WEP Cloaking is disabled.

Enable Adaptive Scan

Initially scans the selected channels and then adjusts the scan to concentrate on the channels with the most traffic. By default, Adaptive Scan is disabled.

Enable Location Tracking RSSI Scan

Devices can report RSSI scan data to ADSP. This option allows you to use that data in location tracking. Once this option is selected, you can adjust the location tracking refresh rate from 1 to 60 seconds. The optimal rate is 1 second. (You must have a Proximity and Analytics license before this option is visible.)

Scan Mode

You can choose channels to monitor by selecting one of the following scan modes:

  • Default Scan - the table displays the channels that will be scanned and is not editable.
  • Extended Channel Scan - the table displays all standard channels plus the extended channels that will be scanned.
  • Extended and Emergency Channel Scan - the table displays all channels including emergency channels that will be scanned.
  • Custom Scan - the table displays all available channels and allows you to select channels, select the 802.11N extension, and set scan weight for each selected channel.
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    A scan weight of 1 specifies that the selected channel will be scanned once during each scan rotation. A scan weight of 2 specifies that the selected channel will be scanned twice and so forth. The scan sequence is determined by the specified scan weights. All selected channels are initially scanned once during the scan rotation. Any selected channels that have weights of 2 or more are then scanned again at the end of each rotation period for the number of times specified by the weight value. For example, if channels 1, 6 and 11 are assigned scan weights of 1, 2 and 2, the channel scan sequence is 1-6-11-6-11. Another example is if channels 1, 5, 6 and 11 are assigned scan weights of 2, 1, 3 and 3, the channel scan sequence is 1-5-6-11-1-6-11-6-11.

  • Channel Lock - used to lock a Sensor on a specific channel for scanning. A drop-down menu is displayed where you can select a channel.
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Note: Note that all channels in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands are grouped together.