Import Relay Servers

To import the relay server information, use the Please Select drop-down list located to the top left of this screen. Select Import Parameters from the list. The following dialog displays.

Click to expand in new window
Import Parameters Dialog

Click the Choose File button to browse for the csv file containing the relay server information. Use the Upload button to upload the information to the AirDefense appliance.

The structure of the import file is:


Use the Get Template option from the Please Select control to get a template that you can use to provide your relay server information. When you select this option, the template opens in a separate browser window/tab. Select the contents of this window/tab and save it locally as a file with a .csv extension.

Things to remember when importing Relay Server information

Keep the following in mind when you importing Relay Server information.

The following fields must be filled for the relay server entry in the .csv file.

Field Description
relay_params Always use relay_params at this position.
server Always use localhost here.
folderpath This is the path were the files are stored in the relay server.
deviceHost/applianceHost The IP address of the relay server.
deviceProtocol/applianceProtocol deviceProtocol/applianceProtocol designates the protocol used for communicating with the relay server. The valid values are:
  • FTP
  • TFTP
  • SFTP
  • SCP
  • HTTP
devicePath/appliancePath The path on the devices where the files will be downloaded. This should always be set to the root folder (/).
deviceProtocol/applianceProtocol The correct port for the protocol used to connect to the relay server.
deviceUsername/applianceUserName The user account used to access the relay server. This field can be left blank if the protocol used is TFTP. Use a double comma (,,) to indicate that this field is blank.
devicePassword/appliancePassword The password for the above account. This field can be left blank if the protocol used is TFTP. Use a double comma (,,) to indicate that this field is blank.