BSS Fields

The following screen is displayed when BSS is selected.

Click to expand in new window

The following fields are available when adding BSSs:

Field Description

MAC Address

The MAC address of the device


The name you want your device to display in your network


A description of the device

Add to appliance

You may add the device to your primary appliance or all appliances that Extreme AirDefense is mionitoring. Select the appropriate radio button.


Specify if the device should be flagged or if it will be bridged. Select the appropriate checkbox.


Specify if the device should be classified as:

  • Neighboring
  • Unsanctioned
  • Sanctioned (Inherit Profiles)
  • Sanctioned (Assign Profiles) - a list of available profiles is displayed to use as the override profile(s). You may select one or more profiles.