Presence Events

Use the Presence Events tab to stream presence events to a third party application.

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Field Description

Enable presence event stream

Select checkbox to turn on streaming presence events to a third party application.

Select all Events

Filters streaming by events. The event triggers are Enter 1, Enter 2, Enter 3, Exit, and/or Contained. You may select all the triggers by selecting Select all Event, or you may select one or more events separately. When filtering by events, when a trigger occurs, presence event information is sent to the third party application.

Select all Client Types

Filters streaming by client types. You may select all client types by selecting Select all Client Types, or you may select one or more client types separately. When a client type is detected, presence event information for that particular client type is sent to the third party application.

Filter by Wireless Client

Filter streaming using the MAC address of one or more Wireless Clients. When a specified Wireless Client is detected, presence event information for that Wireless Client is sent to the third party application. Typing part of a MAC address displays Wireless Clients matching the partial address.