Edit a Security Profile

Use the Security Profile screen to view a list of these profiles configured for you AirDefense managed system. A Security Profile is set of configurations that control how your alarms are generated.

Click to expand in new window
Security Profile Screen

A complete security profile consists of the following configurations:

  • General Configuration - This set of parameters configure settings related to wireless clients.

  • Privacy Configuration - This set of parameters configure enable you to monitor privacy settings.

  • Rate Settings - This set of parameters configure the specific rates that you need to monitor.

To edit an existing security profile:

  1. From the Security Profile screen, select the icon for the security profile that you wish to edit.

    The Security Security Profile dialog displays.

    Click to expand in new window
  2. Modify the required fields.
    For more information on the fields of this dialog, see Add a Security Profile
  3. Select the APPLY button located to the top right of this dialog to save the security profile.
  4. Select the small 'x' icon to the top left of the dialog to close it.